Seattle Courthouse Elopement Wedding // Patricia and Nathan

When Patricia reached out to me and told me her and Nathan’s long distance story, I knew I had to be the one to capture their Seattle Courthouse Wedding.

I love when I put enough about myself on my website to where someone reads it and thinks, I resonate with that. In this instance it was the fact that I was an immigrant to the US and had been in a long distance relationship with my husband.

Nathan and Patricia also met and dated long distance, him here in Seattle and her in Indonesia. It’s not an easy way to have a relationship but I found personally that it made the relationship deeper faster because we would spend hours texting back and forth about a myriad of things. Nathan and Patricia were the same way.

With their two witnesses we headed into the King County Courthouse and I thought what a shame that Patricia can't have her family here on her most special wedding day. Well, apparently Seattle has gotten much more with it in the few years since I've done a courthouse elopement wedding cos they now have the ability to do Zoom calls IN the court rooms! So it wasn't just Nathan, Patricia and their two witnesses after all. Two giant screens filled up quickly with their loved ones from all around the world. Even though it was before 6am in Indonesia, Patricia's family were up and logged on and ready to watch her say I do to the man she loves.

Once the judge arrived we got started with their ceremony, the vows, the ring exchange and then of course the first kiss. After all the important documents were signed we headed outside to do some portraits around the area. Seattle's Pioneer Square is a very urban area but there are a few spots of green if you look around and I wanted Patricia & Nathan to have a bit of both. Since it was almost 90 degrees we didn't last long outside and I sent them off to go have their celebratory dinner with additional friends and celebrate their new marriage.

If you are still looking for a wedding photographer for your courthouse elopement in Seattle, I'd love to chat with you. Be sure to head over to my Contact Page and get in touch!