It's not every day you turn 10/70 - Seattle Portrait Photography

This post requires a bit of backstory first. 

Almost six years ago I moved to Vancouver, British Columbia from Glasgow, Scotland. I was there on a working holiday visa to be closer to my husband who lived in Seattle. He would come up and visit every couple weekends but primarily I was on my own and that meant I had to find somewhere to live. To that end I contacted Jasmine who had posted on Craigslist that she was looking for a roommate as her current one was moving out. 

A couple days after arriving in Vancouver I arranged to view the house and when I showed up I was viciously assaulted by her pup, and by viciously assaulted I mean he gave me all the snuggles. I of course moved in immediately. 

Fast forward six years and Zephyr is turning 10 (70 in dog years) and Jasmine has decided to throw him a party. I get the invite and I want to go but it's a long drive for a couple hours at a dog park, even with some of my favorite people. But alas, fate intervenes and I am going to the PhotoLush convention which is only a half hour from the dog park. It's decided, I'm going.

And I'm so glad I did! After the hustle and bustle of PhotoLush it was nice to spend a couple hours hanging out at the park watching the pups running around having fun. Can we do this every year?



3/5 - What do you do?


Refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to go.