Love letters to my wonderful clients and their amazing wedding days.

A snow filled Stevens Pass engagement session // Wyatt and Miranda
Engagement Jamie Buckley Engagement Jamie Buckley

A snow filled Stevens Pass engagement session // Wyatt and Miranda

In the weeks leading up to Wyatt and Miranda’s engagement session I was working myself up into an anxious mess about driving over the pass in late December. Every day I was obsessively watching the weather and the traffic cameras, predicting that the day we were due to do the sesison there would be a freak snow storm that only struck when I was crossing the pass. I actually eneded up borrowing a friends 4x4 just to make sure I was fully prepared. All of which came to nothing because the day I drove over the pass it was gorgeous clear blue skies and though there was snow on the ground there were two “ruts” that were clear to the ground. Basically it was absolutely no bother at all!

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